Wednesday, October 27, 2021

How to Get My Dog to Listen: Service Dog Training for the Hunting Dog

Service Dog Training For the Hunting Dog

So What Is Service Dog Training?

Many of the sporting breeds are used for service dog training. A service dog is generally an assistance dog who is trained to help people with a disability.

Many private organizations raise service dogs with the help of prison inmates or families as puppy-raisers. Puppies learn obedience and basic life skills (socialization) until they are old enough for specific training. Other people train their own dogs at home.

Some Breeds Of Hunting Dogs Make Good Assistance Dogs

In the U.S. the disabled and their service dogs are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which gives them equal access to anywhere the general public is allowed, such as restaurants, taxis, and aircraft, as well as provides protection for handlers living in places "pets" are generally not allowed.

"Canine Companions for Independence" is one organization that helps people in need of service dogs. They primarily use Golden Retrievers and Labradors for service dog training.

How Is A Therapy Dog Used?

Hunting dogs also excel at therapy dog training. Therapy dogs visit nursing home residents, people in hospitals, and children in schools. They are used for emotional support and for educational purposes. Therapy dogs cheer and comfort people.

Therapy dogs usually need to be certified before some places will accept them. Therapy Dogs International, Inc., and the Delta Society are two well-known therapy dog groups. They provide a great service. Dog training is often performed using volunteers.

Rescue Dog Training Can Mean The Difference Between Life and Death

* The sporting breeds are also superb when it comes to rescue dog training.

* Many of the best search and rescue dogs are sporting breeds.

* They are agile, athletic, intelligent and aware of the job that need to get done.

* The same good nose and sensitivity that works in the field can be put to good use when it comes to finding a missing person or a lost pet.

* Some of the SAR (search and rescue) dogs used following 9/11 were sporting breeds.

If you want to learn more, please visit: ► ►

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