Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Bark Control - How to Stop Your Dog's Excessive Barking

how to stop your dog's excessive barking

Is your dog barking too much? Then you are right here. The purpose of this article is to solve the problems of excessive barking. Keep in mind that your dog should not be prevented from barking again - this is an unfair and unrealistic wait, as almost every dog ​​at least occasionally barks as a means of communication. However, if your dog often barks for minutes (or hours), there are solutions to this annoying habit.

Tip 1: Give him something to bark

If your dog barks too much, your solution is pretty simple ... give him something else to do! If your dog spent most of his time at home or in the garden, he probably barked as a source of entertainment. So play a search game with him, give him a rawhide for chewing, take a walk or give him a food puzzle. The more tired you are and distracting him, the less he has to bark.

Tip 2: Teach him a "silent" command

If you can not only distract your dog from barking too hard, you can try to give it a "silent" instruction.

STEP 1: If your dog barks, wait quietly by his side. If he stops barking for a moment (1 to 2 seconds), say "Silence" and give him a reward and a praise. Repeat this scenario for about a week with your dog to familiarize him with the meaning of the word "quiet". You will know that he recognizes the command when you pronounce it and immediately pays attention to you in anticipation of a reward.

STEP 2: Once your dog is familiar with the silence command, you can calm it down when it barks. If your dog begins to bark excessively, say "quiet". When he stops barking, give him a reward and congratulate him. If he does not stop barking, tell him clearly, "No, calm down!" If he stops barking after your verbal correction, give him a reward and congratulate him. If your dog still does not stop barking, if you verbally correct it, quietly attach a leash to its collar and remove it from the area to calm it down. If your dog is trained in a box, you can choose to put it in his box for a few minutes.

TIP 3: Buy a bark necklace

If you are simply unable to solve the problem of distracting your dog or barking with a "quiet" command, it may be time to try an anti-bark collar. Anti-Bark Collars limit excessive barking by correcting your dog every time he barks. Although an anti-bark collar is not usually the first use (in other words, try tips 1 and 2 first), it may be necessary for excessive dog barking to cause dog discomfort. from his neighbors or when your dog barks excessively, it is unhealthy for him.

Some bark collars use a static correction, similar to the feeling of rubbing the bottom of your stockings on a rug and touching the metal. Others use a lemon grass spray that is aimed at your dog's face. Anti-Bark collars that use static correction are a better option, as they are less offensive to your dog than lemongrass. While the Static Correction stops when your dog stops barking, the Citronella Puff stays around your dog's sensitive nose and corrects it even when it's already quiet.

These are some of the most important things to learn stop your dog from barking. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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