Monday, May 20, 2019

Dog Separation Anxiety: Symptoms And Cure

symptoms and cure

If you notice that your dog behaves abnormally or if he has destroyed the furniture in your house or more, it is likely that your pet is suffering from separation anxiety. In this article you will learn how to stop your dog separation anxietyl. This can happen when your pet starts groaning, chewing, tearing, and destroying objects after leaving it alone. Well, there is a solution to this problem that will surely be of great help to all pet owners who are afraid of being separated from dogs.

Reasons for the fear of separating dogs

Let's first understand the main reasons associated with the dog's separation anxiety. One of the main causes of such behavior is that some animals are afraid to be left alone. Because the owners love their animals very much, they may not be spoiled and loved if left abandoned. Her feelings are more like a child who needs constant love and care. However, it is important that your dog is corrected, otherwise he has no idea of ​​his sudden behavior change. Some of the worst behaviors of dogs are listed below:

Destructive behavior

Your dog can perform terrible activities, such as B. rip out objects from his home or even chew, z. As decoration, furniture, etc., after he left alone at home. If this behavior has occurred recently, your pet is probably mad at you or maybe even depressed. If your behavior is aggressive, do not repeat it as the owner of your pet. If the cause of the fear recurs, you will likely return to these activities.

Moan and cry

If your pet is crying constantly after leaving home, you are probably sad and depressed. This symptom usually occurs in small puppies who are afraid to be alone in a closed room. Make sure your dog does not feel alone to simultaneously cure his depression and anxiety.

But that alone does not solve the problem. Include a few methods in your lifestyle to ensure that your pet is always happy and disciplined.

Strategies to cure anxiety by separating dogs

  • Get your pet to sit in the same place and at the same time increase the distance. Do it several times until you leave your house. Bring something for him by coming back from the outside. So you will know that you can give him a reward if he behaves well.

  • Ignore your dog completely when he comes home. After a while, gently stroke him.

Make sure you teach him to stay calm while you're away. Your goal should be for him to learn to stay in position until you return. Let him understand that he should be quiet even without your presence. Considering these methods, you can easily handle your dog's separation anxiety problems. Once you notice it, you are unlikely to suffer from depression due to your absence. However, your pet needs affection that you should always receive.

The symptoms of separation anxiety vary from dog to dog, but the most common are easy to recognize:

  • Your dog does not want to be without you. He follows you from room to room and does not leave you alone. If you try to pull into a room and close the door in front of him, he might moan and scratch the door.

  • Your dog is trying to block you if you want to leave the house. Eventually he can detect certain signs (you put on a coat, you take out the keys) that allow him to know that they will leave him alone. It makes him do everything he can to avoid that.

  • As soon as you left the house, your dog groaned and moaned loudly and barked that you should go home. The mentality of your dog is that he was abandoned forever. He does not realize that you will go home until that happens. If you've taken a dog to a shelter, make sure you know your full story as it's possible that you're coming from an abusive home where you've been left alone.
  • Your dog greets you with uncontrollable enthusiasm. He might try to jump on you and bark wildly, make you dodge and calm him down.

If you find that your dog has one of these behaviors, it is likely that you have separation anxiety. Discuss possible safe solutions with your veterinarian so that you and your dog can live together happily and carefree.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on stop separation anxiety your dog You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


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