Monday, May 27, 2019

Obedience Training Tips - Be Consistent

be consistent for obedience training tips

If you want to achieve impressive results in dog training, you need to follow some basic obedience tips you control the training dog and not just your dog. There are many ways to train a dog, but one of the most basic points is that it has to be consistent and training must be done consistently. If he does not consistently deal with the dog, he gets mixed messages, gets confused and just leaves the process.

Obedience training can only be done effectively if consistently consistent methods are used. Learning a consistent approach simplifies the entire training process and makes both more fun. Dogs can be very sociable and tame animals. Your education should be easy enough. However, if this does not match your dog's actions and treatment, you will never reach the goal of your workout. Dogs are animals that have the ability to share sincere attention and affection with their owners.

The consistency of your actions, approaches, strategies and methods directly affects the outcome of your training. You will confuse or train your dog, to reach this last point, you have to be firm and consistent in the implementation of the training program. An inconsistency leaves your dog with vague and mixed perceptions. As young children, they get confused if you did not bark yesterday at barking, but today and you punish him for doing the same.

The tips for obedience training include stiffness and firmness. Do not be casual if you apply certain rules. This will only make sure that your dog does not follow any of his instructions. This, too, may be related to how parents discipline their children. If you want to discipline and guide your dog in the right way, do not allow flexible rules and always be consistent.

Although resistance is essential, it can often be difficult to achieve dog obedience training. Consistency means that you must always allow a habit or action when you authorize it. If you ban a habit or activity, you must do so all the time. It is this continuous realization that gives the dog the certainty of what is expected of it. In due course, it will reward you for its consistent and positive response in all situations.

It is important that other family members follow the same rules when dealing with your dog. You must all follow the same guidelines as your dog is allowed or not. Therefore, it makes sense to develop and implement your obedience training as a group. Discuss with your family members. Once you have reviewed and summarized your policies and rules, everyone must commit to consistent work.

Clicker Training Manual

  • This technique uses behavioral psychology to reinforce positive behavior. With a "click", as soon as your dog performs a positive action, you can see that he has done it right. Maybe he got an order or you asked him to sit down. Instead of a reward, use the "click" to increase positive behavior.
  • Trainers prefer to use clickers instead of treats because sweets can confuse your dog or puppy. It is very easy to reward your dog at the wrong time, ie a few seconds after the positive behavior. This can increase the type of wrong behavior because you were treated too late or at the wrong time. If you use a clicker, this is an instant reward so you do not confuse your dog or puppy.
  • As a coach, you have to "click" if and when you have this behavior. After a while, your dog learns to associate the click with a reward so that you can repeat the behavior.
  • You have to practice regularly at least twice a day.
  • Keep the training short and comfortable, otherwise your dog will get bored and lose focus.
  • Imagine the clicker as a camera and take a picture if you invited him to come or sit or whatever you wanted.

Use this clicker training guide as a basic step-by-step example for fast and efficient training of your dog or puppy. Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on obedience training for your dog. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


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