Friday, May 17, 2019

Stop Your Dog Barking

stop your dog barking

One of the most boring habits of a dog is barking. In this article you will learn how to stop your dog barking when alone. Most dogs bark to communicate with other dogs and with ourselves. But do not let it turn into a nuisance or something that you can prosecute.

A dog barks for several reasons:

  • Defend his territory.
  • loneliness
  • boredom or frustration
  • seek attention or possible
  • or medical problems
  • lack of education.

One of the most important things to consider before buying a dog is: Can you give it enough time and attention? If you have decided to, the following points should be helpful to you and your dog. Always remember that training a dog with reward rather than punishment is much better. Start training your dog as soon as possible to avoid bad habits.

Get your dog used to being alone. Start by putting it in another room for a few minutes, and then extend the time you leave alone. Do not worry about him if you leave him and do not come back until he is silent for a moment. When you come back, congratulate him on his good behavior. This prevents the dog from barking due to its separation anxiety.

A cage or a dog cage is also very effective in enhancing this type of behavior. Do not use the cage as a penalty area, but as a place where your dog feels safe and where you can rest with your favorite toy in your own room. If you get used to staying in a cage at home, you should not feel the sense of separation that you feel when you go out. Always make sure your dog has access to water when he leaves. The best way to provide it in a cage is to use a suction cup as it is unlikely to tip over. You can buy a cup for the shot of your pet and tie it at a height in the cage high enough to drink.

Some dogs bark because they want to join in what's happening outside. If this is the problem, leave it in a place where you can not look outside.

Try not to leave your dog too long, but if you need to do this, go with him before you go and go. Place it in a well-ventilated room as described above. If you can not go home during the day, ask someone to accompany you, or leave them in the garden if you have one. It's only for the dog. Usually the dog does not kill in their own bed and you can put a lot of pressure on your internal organs if you do not even walk during the day.

Defend his territory. How can I stop barking my dog ​​when people arrive? First, ask yourself if I really should give up this habit?

This can be very useful when the house is empty, as it is alert and responsible. Some companies are now producing "dog alarms". Every time someone knocks on the front door, the recorded sound of a barking dog sounds. Perhaps it is best to train him so that he does not, when he is home and has the say.

If someone knocks on the door and begins to bark, make sure that he is a friend or an enemy. If you are friends, put him in a sitting position, keep the palm flat in front of you and order strictly. If they are enemies or just an unwanted caller, do not stop them. After a few repetitions of this repetition, you must learn what is expected of him and command the good from what is not so good.

You can try it on your next departure. Close the door as usual and get off if you have a car. Stop at a short distance and ask a neighbor to go to your house to touch and ring. Then you will see how your reaction is. Your dog must recognize your neighbor and remain silent. Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to train your dog to stop barking. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


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