Monday, May 6, 2019

Tips on How to Stop Your Dog from Biting

tips on how to stop your dog from biting

While dogs consider biting playful and fun, their owners seem to have a different idea. If you have problems and are looking for ways to prevent keep your dog stop from biting, I hope this article can help you.

Dogs grow up with their mouths to explore their surroundings and meet their siblings. It is not surprising that they want to use their mouths while playing with us. Some people are not interested in a little fun drink, but nobody likes a bite that hurts, so it's important to teach your dog which bite power is acceptable from a very young age. Puppies learn this from their roommates as they grow up. If a puppy bites someone who is strong enough to hurt him, he will soon lose his playmate who does not play. The lonely puppy, with whom nobody has to play anymore, will soon learn his mistake and be sweeter next time.

Some dogs that pull out of reach soon enough do not learn to bite and can carry these bad habits until the end of their life. In these cases, new owners may use a technique similar to that which would have been learned in the litter if the puppy had not been removed.

First, you need to develop a level of bite that is acceptable to you. This probably depends on the breed of your dogs. A Labrador owner is not afraid of a pinch, while the owner of a pit bull is likely to put off any dental contact with humans. If you play with your dog and reach the tolerance that you want to accept (for example, just put your fingers in your mouth), let out a scream like a puppy and quickly turn your back on your dog. Behave as if you were really offended and ignore your dog for about 30 seconds. Make sure you do not spend too much time as dogs have a limited attention span and your dog is likely to give up if you wait too long. Your dog wants to make you happy and make you happy. If you give your dog a "cold shoulder" this way, he should effectively teach that what he did was wrong, and he has to think twice before biting the next time. This may require some repetition, especially in older dogs, but with time and a little patience your dog should learn soon.

The need to bite and chew is deeply rooted in all dogs and should not be over-treated. Do not overreact if your dogs pinch your fingers or even chew on your favorite shoes. Just make sure your discipline is consistent and your messages are strong and clear. Remember that your dog can not understand your words. Your body language and tone are therefore the best weapons to communicate your feelings to your dog.

Under no circumstances should you use physical force to correct the behavior of your dogs. Your best weapon to train your dog is to use his desire to please and respect him. I can not stress how effective the cold shoulder method is when training your dog.

If your dog does not seem to receive the message, look for bad behavior and complete isolation. Identify an area where your dog is completely isolated from people and other dogs and has nothing to play. Maybe in another room or outside in the yard. Before you bring your dog to this area, make sure he understands exactly what he did wrong and understands his disappointment. After 5 minutes your dog should receive the message and start the towing process.

Depending on the breed (and intelligence) of your dog, these methods can be time consuming. It is a fact that some dogs learn faster than others. If your dog does not pick up right away, do not give up. Be patient and understanding with your dog, keep your messages clear and consistent and you will see the results.

It is unfortunate that many problems with dog bites are not treated properly or simply ignored. As dogs grow, biting dogs can become more serious and many dogs that aggressively bite are sacrificed in dogs.

However, this can be avoided if the dog's bite is treated quickly and the root cause of a dog's bite is well understood.

I hope you found more information about how to stop your puppy biting in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.


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