Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Got Dog Problems? The Dog Training Solution is Fairly Simple

the dog training solution is fairly simple

It is important to understand that your dog is not human. I know it sounds simple, but I hear my clients say that their dog is their son. They do not want to hurt the feelings of their dogs. This is the first obstacle that I encounter with my clients. Dogs are animals. Animals learn differently than humans. So be careful not to apply human psychology to dogs. That will frustrate you.

Train your dog to listen and obey. In fact, a tired dog is less likely to question your authority. This refers to the frequency with which you participated in a discussion just because you were too tired of the workday to respond to it. Both are the same way. You will use excess energy to challenge what you demand of them. Or worse, they will turn your controls into a fun game. Everything is working to release this energy.

So a good walk around the block with help to solve the problems of your dogs, right? Not correct. Walking has to be effective. I write detailed manuals and training articles for dog owners and trainers on how to effectively guide your dog. There are many tools that can help you reduce the excess energy that your dog has stored while walking effectively. Special backpacks and collars will be your best friend. 90% of my clients' behavioral problems result from your dog's energy surplus.

But the march must also be linked to the leadership of the group. If you are not considered a pack leader, your dog will guide you. He will lead you into the neighborhood instead of quietly walking by your side. The direction of the package begins with the definition of rules and boundaries. Do not confuse company rules with abuse or intimidation. I'm not talking about that. The leaders of the pack are very similar to the teachers. Dog need rules and restrictions. They really like her. The rules allow children, employees and others to understand what is expected of them. That's why the train is so important. You have to know the rules.

Pack leadership and effective dog walking solve 99% of the dog's behavioral problems. But the training takes time. If you learn how to be a pack leader and guide your dog effectively, you will see incredible changes in your dog. These are some of the most important things to learn problem and solutions training your dog. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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