Friday, June 28, 2019

Meet The Powerful Rottweiler Dog Breed

meet the powerful rottweiler dog breed

The Rottweiler is a powerful dog breed, but dedicated to his family. It is a very old breed of Italian mastiffs that was used as a pasture in the Middle Ages. In the 19th century, these dogs were almost extinct, but they returned in the early 20th century. These dogs are often used as watchdogs, willow dogs or for persecution.

As a member of the working group of the American Kennel Club Rottweiler was added in 1931 in the AKC study book. This breed weighs between 85 and 13 pounds and is between 22 and 27 inches tall.

This breed has a large body with a massive head and strong pines. Nevertheless, black eyes and face express loyalty and goodwill. The triangular ears on the face are accented by a large black nose. Usually the story is attached and the dewback claws are removed. The Rottweiler has a very short, thick coat and is black with brown spots on legs, legs, muzzle and cheeks.

Despite his foreboding, the Rottweiler is a very quiet dog, easy to train and committed to his family. It is a reliable dog that protects those who love you. But since the dog is so powerful, it is important that you give him a solid workout so that he does not become aggressive. With good management, they are faithful and loving companions. The dog actually has a pretty sweet temperament, but he can also be a good watchdog, he is very intelligent and can follow competitions, obedience classes and guard dogs well.

The Rottweiler breed is susceptible to hip dysplasia as well as ACL damage and frequent snoring. He may tend to overeat, and you must be careful not to overeat him. You may also suffer from a condition called entropion, which is the narrowing of the opening between their eyelids.

Believe it or not, these big dogs can live in flats as long as they do a lot of sports. It is best, however, to have a place to walk and play, even if it is crazy in the park. You have to go every day.

The Rottweiler is one of the easiest to care for dogs and does not lose much. You only need to bathe when needed and brush with a stiff brush.


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