Friday, June 14, 2019

Training Your Dog to Overcome It's Excessive Barking

training your dog to overcome it's excessive barking

All dogs bark and for different reasons. They can bark in response to a threat, real or perceived, to stay bored alone, to play with emotions, to attract attention or to respond to other forms of encouragement, such as ringing the phone. In other words, the barking of a dog is part of a larger communication context that is better understood in conjunction with other signals, such as the body language of each dog, for example.

Realizing that the barking of a dog is quite natural and highly anticipated, a dog that barks obsessively to the owners not only causes considerable stress, but may become a broader social problem that causes frayed relationships. between friends and family and in general. Some cases of lawsuits against dog owners.

Obsessive barking is usually a symptom of an underlying problem. Therefore, before you help your dog to overcome this unwanted behavior, it is important to get the motivation of your barking under control.

Frustration and stress can be a major cause of barking, especially as a dog spends too much time alone or does not get proper exercise or mental stimulation. If you think this may be the cause of your dogs' constant barking, regular daily exercise, tailored to their needs and challenging games like "aiming for" and "hunting candy" should fix this problem. This applies in particular to working breeds such as the Boarder Collie and the German Shepherd Dog.

Separation anxiety or overreaction, being left alone, can cause your dog to develop a constant Bell problem. To help your dog, try to get him out of the house and make him as calm as possible. For starters, when you are ready to leave the house, do it about 20 minutes before you leave. If you want to go, do not talk to your dog, do not make eye contact with him and continue normally. When you are ready to leave, do not say goodbye, but calm down. If you do the same thing again, do not talk to your dog, sit down and call him after a few minutes and gently stroke him. The key is to help your dog understand that there is no problem going and going. Over time, your dog should have this idea and his barking should naturally dissipate.

If your dog barks obsessively as a charm, such as the doorbell or doorbell, try to teach them how to "speak" and "stay calm," for example. Connect your dog to a cable for better control and ask an assistant to ring the bell. When your dog hears the sound of the bell and begins to bark, give him the command "Speak", wait a few seconds to give him the command "Quiet." If he keeps barking, take advantage; The pulling on the leash is not a punishment, but is to break the bond of the dogs to their barking. If he answers silently, we give him a good mood and we praise him extensively. Practice this exercise until your dog can talk and calm down when needed.

In some cases, dogs that bark may come from dominance or aggression, as this is very territorial. This may be due to his personality or race, for example. If this is the case with your dog, try to control the signals that cause your barking. If your dog barks when he hears the courier arrive, try to place him in another room before delivering his mail. If your dog runs to the fence of the garden when a stranger passes by, remove it completely from the garden. Of course, if you have no reason to bark, your unwanted barking should naturally disappear after a short time.

Many owners who love their dogs, especially toys or miniatures, often find that their dogs get very loud to keep their attention. To counteract this unwanted barking, you reject the empty space that is to be treated by the behavior of your dogs. If your dog barks to grab your attention, just turn your back and refuse the answer until you're silent. If he is calm, give him a good mood. Try again to teach him the words Speak and Silence.

Sometimes poor health can lead to excessive barking of dogs. Arthritis and problems with teeth and ears can cause unexpected barking, especially if the dog is aging. If you think you have problems with your dog's barking, make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible to check your dog's health.

These are some of the most important things to learn stop your dog barking. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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