Monday, August 23, 2021

1 Clever Trick For Calming Down Over Excited Dogs


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Video Title: 

1 Clever Trick For Calming Down Over Excited Dogs

Video Tags: 

1 Clever Trick For Calming Down Over Excited Dogs,how to calm an overstimulated puppy,dog gets too excited before walk,over excited dog greeting,over excited dog on walk,how to calm an overstimulated dog,how to calm down a hyper dog,my dog gets overly excited when guests come over,over excited dog with other dogs

1 Clever Trick For Calming Down Over Excited Dogs

Video Description: 

Do you love being woken up in the middle of the night with a barking dog who wants to go outside? Do you like your mornings interrupted and having your dog jump on you? Do you then get up and then go to make yourself a cup of coffee? And yet your ears are bleeding because they're barking to get something they want, and then you go to give them something you want, and in the process, they jump upon you, and they claw your bare feet. Well, if so, then, I'd like you to meet Sam, this dog is being house-sat by me. He has got a problem that I call a lack of impulse control. In this video, I want to show you a process for how to start to fix the problem, so one of those problems is the ability not to have what I call door manners, and in this video that's what I'm going to do is show you how to door manners so watch what happens.

There'S another dog in this video, too, by the way, that does have impulse control underhand and in its power and everything. But now, let's watch Sam and his process of learning door manners. Here we go, so Sam thinks he can go out that door before me. So what we do heavy panting is back the dog up, and we teach them a little rule called the door only opens when you make eye contact with me, so we back them up and watch this a nice calm who didn't mean to clip the other dog's Head there, the door opens as so the eyes come up. We need polite contact. All the way to open, winding gets the door shut.

Related post: How to Stop Dog Aggression Towards Other Dogs

There'S high contact, you can see right about there, you can't handle it. The whining starts that was close. I have to get the handoff the door [ Music, ], okay, and that is how you teach door manners. One of the first processes of teaching impulse control in a dog. Now, this, by the way, won't fix the whining and the waking you up at night and wake you up in the morning and barking to be let out and waking up the whole house.

1 Clever Trick For Calming Down Over Excited Dogs

It won't fix those processes. Those take another seven steps that we have available in a course that's called impulse control and if you'd like more information about that course, check out the rest of the page below this video, and we will show you the rest of the process for how to get This totally in control in your dog's life,

Related post:

Free Dog Obedience Video Course >> LEARN MORE

Video Tags: 

1 Clever Trick For Calming Down Over Excited Dogs,how to calm an overstimulated puppy,dog gets too excited before walk,over excited dog greeting,over excited dog on walk,how to calm an overstimulated dog,how to calm down a hyper dog,my dog gets overly excited when guests come over,over excited dog with other dogs

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