Sunday, November 14, 2021

Dog Behavior Training: Dog Training to Correct Behavior Problems

Dog Training to Correct Behavior Problems

Have you ever wished that the secrets of dog behavior training were available to anyone who wished to take their dog obedience training to a new level? The truth is that proper dog training can be simple for anyone who is willing to educate themselves on the best way to communicate with man's best friend. In order to succeed at puppy training or adult dog training you must first understand why dogs do what they do. There are only two reasons why a dog performs any behavior:

1- To increase pleasure: Have you ever wondered why your dog pees on the floor, chews up your couch, and jumps on your guests? That's right, these activities produce pleasure for your dog. It's as simple as that. If these behaviors didn't produce a fun experience then your dog wouldn't do them. Any time you wish to correct behavior problems with your dog it is important to first realize that your dog is doing these things out of pure pleasure.

2- To avoid discomfort: Old school dog behavior training prescribed a very harsh method of correcting behavior problems and fomented a dog obedience regimen that was very disciplinarian in it's root form. That type of dog training is unnecessary and will often do more harm than good.

Very skilled dog behavior training, though, should use humane corrections that merely provide an annoying deterrent to help correct behavior problems. Humane corrections can run the gamut from spray bottles to annoying noises all the way to training collars. Yes, used properly, a training collar can be a very valuable and humane tool for getting rid of unwanted behavior problems. It is recommended that you seek out the services of a qualified professional if you are going to use such a tool. These dog training collars are merely used to provide an annoying feeling and not a painful feeling.

Please visit our website at for more details.

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