Thursday, April 18, 2019

8 week old Puppy is Potty training (how to train quickly)

8 week old puppy is potty training (how to train quickly)

Here is our brand new puppy he is a blue Guardian O's Connie Corso we have had him for less than 24 hours he is a purebred Connie Corso and his name is thunder he is a little under 8 week old puppy potty training and he just weighed in at 23.8 pounds today so he is a big age we are currently working on potty training for him so here I'm just going to try to give you some tips on potty training you so one of the big things about potty training is that it's all about prevention and if you don't give them the opportunity to go potty inside then you're setting them up for success I only bought it outside and if they happen to go potty inside a big key to take note of is that they are just babies so you should not punish them instead try to distract him with sound or send such as if they start to go potty grab a grab a treat and go up to them and try to distract them with it and then take them outside and then when they do potty outside I'm during that same event you have to immediately praise them.

8 Week Old Puppy Potty Training

If they do potty inside it is super important to clean and sanitize the area to remove the scent so that they don't continue to go back to that spot it's important to have the crate sized for the pet so if your crate is too large they will create a space in there that they can go potty in if they're sniffing the ground walking around sort of pacing different areas checking how long toilet train a puppy it out chances are they're looking for a spot to go potty whether he is snooping around the house if his nose touches the floor I just take them outside so this could be cheesy but when in doubt I just take him out so he and then and then I don't set myself up for failure as a it can't be frustrating. If your and if your pet goes potty inside because you got to get them outside and then you got to clean up the mess and you want to get it cleaned up thoroughly so they don't do it again and we have young children so it's it's tough to like try to multitask all of those things within a within a minute or two so I hope this has been helpful please check out what I did for our body pin further in the articel the pin is pretty awesome see he thunders already digging it if he doesn't go potty up here I think that I will go and get some of his party and put it in there so he knows that it's okay we have had him for five days now or five nights.

How to Potty Train a Puppy on Pads?

First night I was up four times with him bringing him out he's the potty every time he came outside Second night it was three times and it literally just dropped a number each night last night he slept from 10:00 until 5:30 in the morning and then he he let me know that he had to go to the bathroom so I I got up and brought him out so each night he just would let out the slightest little whimper and then I'd get up take him outside boom he'd used the bathroom even though this is one of the furthest corners from the house I still brought him out to this area I have put him on a leash as well to try to keep him in this general area and it has worked pretty efficiently but now I'm at the point where I don't want to chase him or be in his space because maybe that's why he isn't using this to do his other business besides pain.

So I'm hoping that by putting this fence up he'll be more comfortable to just use the bath or use the potty out here so I will not leave him unattended out here because you can see that he is already trying to eat the fence and a good boy segment so I just wanted to share this with you they create training potty training just bringing them outside every couple hours sometimes even less is is very effective to letting them know that this is where they need to go potty act and we're just trying to make it habit so I know that if we left him inside just roaming the house that he would just pee in the house probably so we we do not just because it's been he's been doing awesome outside does not mean we leave him unattended when we leave the house he goes in his crate and stays in this crate until we return. He likes his crate and that is another subject that I'll be covering in some videos definite we follow us and check us out once he actually starts going poop in this pin more often or regularly I will actually remove a section of the fence and then it'll be open you know open like two feet of it that way we can walk in and out together but then he can't run away from me on that side if I'm standing over here I would just stand on the opening side until he was finished with his business so about how to potty train a puppy fast I hope you find this helpful.

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