Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Crate Training and Housebreaking Made Easy: House Training a Puppy

house training a puppy

I am Marry and this cute little tricolor, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is jr, and jr is going to help us to learn how to housebreak a puppy. Crate training is really the easiest way to house great puppy. It’s as long as you're consistent as long as you're there it's a very easy way to get a puppy to be housebroken. The first step in crate training is to select a proper crate. So the size that we usually use for our Cavaliers is this size this is 13 inches wide and 22 inches long. We prefer the wire crates, they usually come with a divider. You’ll notice there's a divider I've placed this divider about halfway through. Now of course that does not allow you to use the side door while that divider is in there, but as the puppy grows and you move that divider back towards the back and then eventually take it out entirely. Then you'll be able to use the side door so you can configure the crate. Put it in a lot of different areas and use it in a lot of different ways. This great pad in the bottom so it was a nice soft area, but you'll notice this is just big enough for her to lie down and curl up and go to sleep. If you give the puppy too much space what what she will do is she'll curl up in the back of the crate and if she has to go and hasn't yet learned how to ask to go.

How to Potty Train a Puppy on Pads?

She'll come up to the front of the crate she'll be there and then she'll go back into the rear to go to sleep again and certainly we don't want that we don't want her to learn that it's okay to pee in the crate. So we give her just enough room to curl up and be comfortable and it's natural for a dog to not want to do peeing or pooping in the area where they sleep. how to potty train an older dog So if she has to go she will wake up and she will cry or in some other way ask me to let her out. So we're going to give her a little bit of time when the puppy is very young about two hours is a nice amount of time to let her nap, as she gets a little bit older then that 2 hours will increase the three hours maybe four hours and you can kind of play it from there but we'll get a let her nap now. When the puppy is very young you have to carry the puppy out as they get older you can let them walk to the door and out but in the beginning you carry them out. Now I'm carrying her to the spot where I want her to go as a habit. If you know and when she's older I don't want her going on the deck or on the patio, I want her on the lawns.

I'm gonna carry her all the way out and notice also how I give everything a name I said go out so she knows go out and I said all the way meaning that it's going to be rolled away to the yard the horn state all the way. It’s natural for puppies when they first wake up from a nap to want to go. So what I did was I just let nature take its course notice again I gave it a name I said hurry up and if I continue to do that every time she goes, then she's going to associate the word with the act and you can actually train dogs to pee on command. I'm going to give her a little time to see if she needs to do number two or anything else. This is also a good opportunity to play this is, after she's done her business want to take a little playtime get her favorite toy. Let her chase it a little bit or run around with her cuz puppies love to play they love to follow you and let it get a little exercise this way.

Puppy Potty Training Schedule

You can also use this time as a little bit of an opportunity to do some training, maybe a little bit of getting her to walk on lead or teaching her some basic commands like come, or sit, or stay or just enjoying her company right.Okay well we've had a time outside. Now when you first crate training a puppy the first three days are the most cradle. In those first three days the puppy is learning what to do in that environment.  you don't want to give the puppy any opportunity to make a mistake. that means that for those first few precious important days you do not give the puppy any freedom whatsoever. So notice that she's in the house and now she is on my lap. I'm not letting her walk around at all and if I want her to stay awake for a while, I'm going to keep her on my lap and I'll enjoy her and I'll keep her active and I'll let her play and bite my finger because puppies love to bite your finger.

The way they exercise their teeth but I don't give her any freedom. Now as the time passes by over the next few weeks after those first three days were over I'll start giving her a little freedom. So if as this puppy has she's past her first few days I would let her run around in here supervise and I would watch her and I would play with her and I wouldn't leave her at a wall because if you give them an opportunity to make a mistake, they probably will. But the whole thing about crate training is to not give the puppy any opportunity to make a mistake and go in the house and reward the proper behavior which she did. She went outside and she peed out there the way that she's supposed to right. After she's had her playtime, I would put her back in the crate. Now when she goes in the crate it's very handy to have a little treat. I don't have one. With me now you have a little treat and you'll reward her and you say good girl crate and give her the treat and then they get positive associations with going back into the crate. All right, I will now give her some time to go back to sleep, take another little nap and then when you repeat the process all over again in a few hours. I hope you have found how to house train your dog or puppy in this articel, and you can make starting fast.

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