Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How to Stop Dog Aggression?

how to stop dog aggression?

Like in this scenario about how do you calm an aggressive dog? there's other dog trainers out there that would have said so this is if he comes at me I can hit him against the wall no because I'm gonna get ready cut overseas wake up okay puppy good boy how's this is this getting better yeah he never shuts up that's the thing he doesn't stop barking shows the whole thing is is he's all fear-based yeah when I'm looking at his eyes he's like oh yep right so when I came over because what I did is I what I call like a and I'm just making this up because I've never done it what I would call it is like an intimidation test is they're not gonna back away or is they're not gonna come for me when I give him pressure so what I did is I gave him a lot of pressure and I corrected him and said quit it and then his eyes went oh my god this guy's gonna eat me so then I said it's okay so he wants like he'd rather be buddies with me his trust nephew yeah yeah because in I immediately took away the pain of him thinking I'm gonna kill him yep because I was really clear so that process this right here is all natural to me that's why when you walked in I was kind of like sleeping and then you're like I got that dog and I like jumped up oh my god yes I love doing this stuff because I can make such a difference in the dog's life yeah immediate and help him become better so this is all good and I'm very passionate about it because I can understand them and I don't know how to explain what I'm doing yeah it's just coming to me right it's all natural yeah none of this was taught.

It's all just like what I know how to do yeah so this is what I love to do yeah so I gotta make sure what I'm doing this a really steady so this is where precision an experience comes into the light I gotta know in the correct and I got to know when to reward hmm so I'm basically like like somebody's trying to fight me and I'm like you don't want to do that you don't want to do that right and I'm just trying to work with him on it well done mr. vo and now he's calmer good boy so never I feed dogs that are like this out of my hands I put my palm all the way down so I'm not sticking my fingers in their face right so use classic cases in security what do you think we're successful besides my intuitive ability to know what to do immediately on the ground but what do you think really surpassed it I think it was your patience and the fact that you didn't give him this way even though it was like you know you stopped with your work when you were thinking of doing yes exactly yeah and a lot of it was is just being able to distribute the corrections properly yeah so I corrected him when she hated mm-hmm but he came at me and if I were to back up and go you went not to redoes with everybody know what I did is I said quit WAM corrected him he's like ah and I said no and and I did it because I care about him yeah.

Aggressive Dog Training Tips

I don't want him to live the life that he was just at and within minutes that it's transferred right so now we can go on walks without all this stuff I just have to teach you how to do it but um yeah I'm excited about it this is already the cool thing here is she's like yeah yeah imagine living the life we thought you had to do that - yeah really terrible because you know when people were over we'd have to lock him in my room and it's great you know you haven't met any of her closest friends and relatives still from far away was like barking good boy I think it's pretty safe to say that he's he's got everything that you need and that realistically took me less than five minutes yeah right yeah so it pains me to see dogs like that because I know that they're they don't mean it and when I was looking into his eyes when he was doing that he was like I don't know what else to do yeah yeah and it could get him killed because bigger dogs mm-hmm you know things like that yeah sure sure yeah it's uh it's just one of those things that there's a lot of dogs out there that are euthanized every day with that behavior and it takes me seconds to analyze and execute.

You know 30 to 40 seconds I come in and I see and I just do and we have you know other trainers here that will write notes for months and weeks and days before some of their sessions to make sure they're ready and there's nothing wrong with that yeah but sometimes when you're dealing with animals your intuitiveness you can't recreate it can't sell you can't steal you know and so this is what really matters is what are you gonna do at that moment and so you know my experience told me this this dogs scared out of his mind and so what I did is I came in and I said stop because I know you don't want to do this anyway and he said well what do I do so I shown him what he needed to do I said listen bud I'm your friend and then he's like really and I'm like yeah and then he's like okay show me and then I'm like we'll just watch it's pretty much the conversation we had of he and that's where like all that pressure came into play and he was like wait I'm not dead yet I'm like no dude you're good I'm not gonna do anything to you just relax and then each second that clicked that I didn't kill him I was winning him over a bit.

Now if I were to move really fast he would still react but yeah except for me everyone else is still a little bit yeah I think when we got it I was one you know because I knew you know yeah you know I did that so I think that's why I get a little bit closer bond to me then yeah totally you get a dog that it reacts like that you know and we automatically assume it's aggression and to an extent it is you know its aggressive behavior but it's not who he is and so he is so fearful and so insecure that that's what he thinks he has to do so he's you know it's kind of like when you're on a really sketchy plane and like each second you're like was that right and you're like oh god and so that's kind of like how he lives his life always on edge so his blood like everything about him is is boiling yeah and he's just ready to explode and so the thing that you were lacking was the discipline of like you can't do that like you were already ahead of the schedule having a micro prom that's beautiful you just have to make sure like in situations when you read other people there's no reason for him to do that yeah so just like with kids you walk into like if this is a school for humans which it is by the way yeah but if you walk in with the child somewhere and they just like kick open the door and then you just kind of stand there.

How to Calm an Aggressive Dog

They're women yeah yeah so you need but but let me ask you this you don't have kids do you oh yeah you look young so but somebody somebody kicks in and you know your kid kicked in the door yeah you're gonna do something about it yeah right you're gonna say whoa you know because it's a reflection on you you know so that's the problem we have with dogs is it's the community exactly and that's where like my my big theory and trying to spread so much is if you have problems with your dogs in any level no matter if it's obedience aggression anything it's because of your relationship and communication strictly and so when dogs come in acting a certain way they're being left or being like it's okay to do these things and it's simple is if your dog comes in here and jumps and squeals and whines and you're letting them do that step one if your dog pulls you it's your choice so if if that's happening you have to then just decide why is this happening because it's because of me like any anything on the planet like it's always like the butterfly effect especially with dogs.

If they pull you a chance another jump on you if they jump on your chances are they don't care about you right and they just they're all like just crazy and so there's a lot of people out there that are strictly using like in this scenario there's other dog trainers out there that would have said too much euthanize him right and so there's too many people out there not understanding the issue and taking the wicked easy way out because it makes him look really good like if you came in and say he wasn't reactive but he was because it was a lot of dog trainers so we just looked at that dog instead I utilize it why because they don't want to say go somewhere else because that's what I'm doing yeah and I I have staff to take the dogs that I don't love working with like puppies I'm not great with puppies because I'm going leave it no Shh so what normally happens with the dog with behavioral issues so if you came in and said hey this is a dog and he's pulling on the leash what no like it boggles my mind how many people avoid fixing the relationship because they simply don't know how because it's it's cutting corners like you said like if I cut up a bunch of hot dogs and said.

Okay puppies let's work I'm gonna look like God right because they'll do anything for food but here's the thing is what separates that person from the client because the only variable is food you know what I mean so like if I if he came in pulling on the leash and I kind of hotdogs and said here what separates me from the mailman walking and dropping off a package and me giving him food and say telling the dog to sit and stay there's no there's no relationship concepts there it's all one-dimensional when you get an animal driving on food or something like that it's not it's straight to the food straight to the point right right and so I like to reverse where I'm like no no no work first listen first and then maybe I'll pay you but it's not going to be on your terms it's gonna be a mind same thing with kids kids aren't gonna be like I'll hold your hand across the big interstate if you let me stay up for an extra half an hour what no it's now this works you're gonna pull and do all these things and so so many people out there are I had a comment as this is that he said it's so easy to throw a shirt on and call yourself a trainer because the markets so big right and so like.

Aggressive Dog Behavior Training

You can literally open up any shop and call yourself a trainer you're gonna get clients exactly and people will show up but are you actually helping the dog right and so if you're getting dogs in and you're using your using frontal harnesses for dogs that's pulling or you're cutting up hot dogs and using steak to lure dogs into position are you actually benefiting the productivity and the progression of the dog's foundation like that was a good example of what I did there is he calmed down and then I paid him yeah he wasn't barking at me and I did eat the food and then he cuz you know what if you would have taken it boom I just rewarded him for that yeah right and so a lot of times you know and there's there's there's more than one way of doing things but for me and what I've been doing is I'm trying to send that message across of like understanding the benefits of teaching dogs right from wrong first will save you from everything else and so that's what we did with him and I would be interested to see if I said go down the road to X Y & Z and see what they do and I know we've come to that conclusion where like multiple clients have been like you know what like this other like if you came in and said you know how many times this has happened where you came in and said I've been to trainer X Y & Z and they said euthanize them and I've done that.

That quick which is scary as hell to me and it should be scariest out to people out there that own dogs because these are professionals know they're giving them no hope and they're also they're also just telling them basically I don't know how to do it kill it we'll start again when you get a new one cuz I got hot dogs yeah right like so we've actually come to the conclusion you know as a company because I love dogs and the only reason why I started working with dogs is because I could help them so quickly and I said well it would be silly for me not to selfish because obviously you know it's what I'm naturally good at so we've we've almost done that before we're like we're gonna see we're gonna get an aggressive dog in and we're gonna give them free training if they go to all the other trainers around in video tape and see what happens and then we're gonna sit back and then not not to showboat us at all it's just to call them out and walk in there and say did you really just try to do this with that dog or did you really just say go you'll go kill it yeah well because I think you know say somebody spent $20,000 on a nice website and they probably put a lot of white lights in there to make it look good and then you say hey your website sweet you got a picture with I don't know Cesar Millan on there you must be the best let me come to you and they say oh and then in front of their staff.

Dog Aggression Towards People

they're not gonna say go somewhere else they're gonna say kill it yeah and for me I'm just like you know because I'm like I don't even want like the credit or the money I just want people to stop lying and why don't they just say I don't know how to fix this go to somewhere else you know and I want to collectively like be all in the same page with that and it has nothing to do with being better or not it's just this is it's certain people have certain things that they're they specialize in I think your classical case of what do I do not knowing what to do me showing you and then moving forward if I could just do everything for free I could save more dogs lives and what I mean by that is is other people wouldn't wouldn't second guess recommending me yeah because they don't want they think about it they're like that's money in his pocket or this businesses pocket instead of mine nobody can have it kill it or or let me let me try I swear to God on my life yesterday a lady came in and she said she worked with another trainer and she said that they worked for two and a half months on you know getting it out to buh-buh-bah and I swear to God.

I don't think we have it on film but she I literally got the dog to do exactly what she wanted swear to God in like three and a half minutes and she was like you don't know how frustrating this is because I just spent two and a half months thousands of dollars trying to feed into somebody who was telling me it was gonna work and she's that and she just pulled the plug she's like this isn't gonna work I gotta go somewhere else right and the problem is is is so many people are just they're trying to grab all the money and that's where like we started I started this I did not I didn't I didn't charge anything when I first started I've been doing this since I was like 13 like for free like I was just literally like doing dogs for free yeah yeah but I was always walking dogs for free it was like my thing you know like other kids wanted to go play wiffle ball and I wanted to go walk dogs I enjoyed it because I learned from them and I was able to teach them cool stuff too so I could mess with them you know I can kind of turn into a dog a bit and roll around with them and play by them and flip them and read their body language and its really cool and so it just developed and how do you stop aggressive dog I can generally say that I started this literally just because if it was my passion of I love doing it and that that is a big difference and if I could if somebody could just say I'll pay for everything for your whole life like bills I would never worried about a paycheck ever.

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