Friday, April 26, 2019

Step for Dog to Not Bite The Leash

step for dog to not bite the leash

How to teach your dog to stop biting the leash:

Step 1 Teach your dog to enjoy wearing their collar click on the link to see how to teach your dog to enjoy wearing their collar this is an important step because adding pressure to the neck via the leash can make your dog dislike having the leash on and cause them to bite it.

Step 2 No biting begin by clicking the dog for not interacting with the leash use a low level of distraction by sweetly holding it up once the dog is happy not interacting begin moving it around in increasingly distracting ways and rewarding the dog for not reacting if at any point they reacts and bites wait until they stop and click think of what normally makes them bite the leash in everyday situations and set your training up like that I know that fee on the puppy in the articel is more tempted to bite the leash when it trails on the floor so I am building up to teach her not to bite in that situation.

Step 3 Touching the collar your dog needs to get used to pressure being applied to their collar whether this is you holding on to it to clip the leash on or whether you're on a walk and changing direction click for your hand approaching the collar but not touching it once your dog is happy with this increase the distance you stretch out your arm until you can touch the collar gently move the collar around their neck pull gently to the sides approach them from different angles and generally get them comfortable with your hands approaching click on the link from my positive handling articel about how to stop leash biting if your dog is not comfortable with your hands approaching them if your dog shows discomfort in what you're doing take it back a step and build it up so they feel more comfortable.

Step 4 Clipping on the leash repeat the last step with the leash now in your hand this addition may make your dog uncomfortable or excited so you may have to repeat the other steps again so the dog doesn't feel like they have to bite the leash when it's being clipped on remember to give lots of fuss and treats when you clip it on to let them know it's a good thing when it comes to taking off the leash some dogs will revert to old ways and bite the leash or worn off the hands that are approaching simply repeat the steps of your hand approaching limping far away and build it up so you can touch the collar then unclip the leash treat and fuss then once the leashes off as well you can see here that fian is not happy with my hands approaching to take the leash off so I go back and repeat the stages she quickly remembers the lessons and I'm able to take the leash off without any biting or upsetting her after a b2 training Fiona's getting happier about my hands approaching but you can see that she still goes to bite the leash so I wait until she finishes and clip it on if she wants to get upset again I'd go back a stage and build it up yes.

Step 5 Add pressure don't rush the last step because if you try to add pressure whilst the dog is still not completely happy with the leash and collar you may end up making things worse once your dog is happy clip on the leash and gently pull to the sides and wave the leash around you can see here that it's getting quite tangled this is something that happens a lot when you first begin walking a dog on a leash so use it to train whilst your dog is being tangled and untangled click and treat as long as they don't bite the leash also click them for dog not biting the leash when it's being waved around remember to practice this standing up in different positions in the house in the garden and eventually outside the more you practice the more your dog will generalize that it's not okay to bite the leash and it's more rewarding to not bite the leash.

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