Saturday, June 1, 2019

Help! My Puppy is Biting - Learn How to Stop a Puppy From Biting

learn how to stop a puppy from biting

Teaching a puppy not to bite can be a challenge. Although biting and nibbling puppies is a breeze, you should stop as early as possible to avoid problems later when the puppy grows up.

Why bite puppies?

Young puppies bite through a perfectly natural phase of the hood, especially when the puppy is in the starting phase. In the meantime, a puppy bites and chews almost anything you can put in his mouth. In addition, biting is a form of social game.

If the puppy were together with the rest of the litter, he would play with the other puppies. If one of the littermates becomes uncontrollable, inform the other puppies.

Since the puppy has no littermates, he will play with you in the only way he knows. It is up to you to show him that this type of behavior is unacceptable.

How do you prevent a puppy from biting?

There are several methods by which you can teach your puppy not to bite:

Have a variety of toys ready for your puppy. When your puppy starts to bite, draw your attention to your toy and congratulate it when it starts chewing toys.
Offer your puppy comprehensive exercises. It is less likely that a tired puppy will bite into your home
Do not move your hands over the puppy's face as this will sting them

Puppies are extremely cute and sometimes this is the main reason why homeowners find it particularly difficult to be tough with them. Their education becomes a bit superfluous if they are allowed to behave as they wish. On the puppy stage you can train your dog more effectively because the older you get and get used to it, the harder it is to change the model. As a puppy it is easier to change and it is easier to shape.

A peculiarity that a puppy collects when he is about 2 months old is that he starts biting everyone around him. Although the puppy's intention is not to attack him, he can still pinch any part of his body that can penetrate his small mouth. This habit is usually delayed by littermates or their mothers, if the puppy is allowed to stay near her for a long time. The puppy quickly learns when biting a littermate that his partner bites him back! This shows that the consequences are a bit painful and the puppy stops at some point. But since it's not given to the puppy this time, it's up to you to teach him that biting is unacceptable.

The training requires a lot of patience and constancy. It takes patience, because if you scream and scream all the time you will not trust yourself and sometimes it can scare you. What you need is a positive reinforcement technique. And consistency is necessary because if you take breaks and allow it to behave as you wish, the puppy never gets used to the behavioral protocol you want to convey.

You can use two basic methods to stop the bite. You need to focus your attention on something else that you can chew in place of your fingers. When you start biting, say "no" firmly and clearly and immediately point or chew to find that you can not bite your fingers, but it does not matter. If you give a slight groan or whine that a puppy usually does when it hurts, he'll surprise him and stop doing what he does. In this way, you can help to determine the acceptable behavior.

These are some of the most important things to learn how to train a puppy to stop biting. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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