Sunday, June 9, 2019

Insanely Easy Way to Stop a Dog From Barking - 7 Great Tips

insanely easy way to stop a dog from barking

How do you stop the barking of your dog? This is the million dollar question that many dog ​​owners face every day. In this article you will learn about how to stop your dog barking when left alone. Professional dog trainers on TV make it that easy, right? It's almost as if they were born for it. A gesture here, a command over there and a dog, it's like cement between your hands. You might not be able to do that with so little effort, right? Well, you can. There are, however, a number of tips that you should follow first:

1) Why is your dog barking? This is a fundamental question that needs to be asked as this is the key to stopping your dog from barking. Different dogs react by barking under different circumstances. Once you understand the reasons for barking, your own actions against your dog will vary.

2) The size of the dogs can determine the behavior. It is not uncommon for puppies and small dog breeds to bark because they are afraid. For the smaller dog, this fear is based on the feeling of being threatened by dogs and larger people. Compare that to a puppy whose main fear is being alone. Contrast that with a larger-breed dog barking like crazy in the pizza delivery. If you understand your dog, you can take appropriate measures to remedy the situation.

3) Accept that it is necessary to bark. It is important to understand that this does not completely eliminate the barking of your dog. The reason is that barking is the natural way your dog communicates. By recognizing this, you can control the situation according to your conditions: you can teach your dog when it is needed and when it is unacceptable to bark.

4) Teach your dog to be alone. The stubborn thief has never learned that it's acceptable to be in his own company. Your dog has received a lot of praise for not doing anything to earn it! When they rely on their fate, they become angry: There is no one who begins much with their existence.

5) Are you doing the basics? Does your dog have enough food and water? It's amazing what calming effect a bowl of water can have on a barking dog. Make sure your dog is not too tight and can relax in a place where he can not see any humans or other animals. You may need to take it indoors. It can work wonders, but it's up to you where your dog goes. You are in control.

6) your body language. It is difficult for most dog owners. We like to do stories with our pet. Of course, if we assure our dog that we will not need a long time and he will see us later, we will of course increase the tone of our voices and on our return we will greet our dog with great affection. It's just to tell our pet it's a trauma for them to be alone, and we appreciate the way they did it. As soon as we leave the room, they want, like crazy, this permission.

7) How do you control the situation? If you use a keyword, you can bark your dog when ordering. In this way YOU will not only have control, but you will find that your dog becomes more disciplined and barks less randomly. How do you learn to use a word "key" ...?

Well, some of you probably read this and think, "My dog ​​has enough food and I know it's necessary to bark, but how in the world did I teach my dog ​​to be alone or alone?" You can learn all that on the Internet and more dog trainers that we all envy.

These are some of the most important things to learn stop your dog from barking when alone in home. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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