Sunday, July 11, 2021

How to break the habit of pulling the lead A command Heel

 Jack Russel Terrier. How to break the habit of pulling the lead. A command "Heel!" Even if the dog is small, it's quite tiring when it's pulling the lead all the time. The best advise is to teach the puppy the command "Heel!" at the age of three months, while it follows you, not vice versa. - Can I unhook the lead? - Yes, you can. - Betty! At this age the puppy feels dependence on the owner.

How to break the habit of pulling the lead  A command Heel

How do I stop lead pulling?

It's not so important for it to carry out all the commands properly, but to get accustomed to obey. That's right. Lower your hand. What if your dog is already grown up and you understand that you shouldn't have missed the opportunity to teach the puppy. Besides you, a young active dog is interested in all surrounding it.It communicates with you at home, but in the street there are more exciting things. Before teaching such a dog not to pull the lead and to walk side by side it's necessary to prepare the dog to work in advance. 

How do you stop a dog pulling on a lead?

First of all the dog should be physically active. It's necessary to walk with it more often. You need to play with the dog not only at home, but outside as well. The dog should get used to pay attention to you. There should be a lot of toys. The dog's behaviour shouldn't depend on a certain object. Apart from the development of a relation between the dog and the owner, active games let the dog release excess energy. 

How do I train my heel command?

Before teaching a grown-up active dog a command "Heel!", you should teach it not to move while carrying out the commands "Sit!", "Down!" and "Stay!" Stay! Stay! Well done! Sit! Down! Sit! The next condition of teaching the command "Heel!" Contact with other dogs.

Call the dog when it's on a leash. Coming to you at the command is a little part of walking side by side with you. Walk! Why doesn't the dog want to move away from its owner? Because as soon as it moves away, you pull the lead, and when the dog comes to you, you give it some treat. Come! If the dog wasn't physically loaded and if there appeared another dog, your pet would behave differently. 

How do I stop lead pulling

How do you release a dog's heel?

Such motivated condition of the dog is essential while teaching the command "Heel!" After you trained the dog in a quiet place, begin training with distracting elements. It's important to know that in new surroundings you should start again with the command "Come!", even if in the quiet place the dog carries out the command "Heel!" There is no point in teaching the command "Heel!" if the dog doesn't carry out the command "Come!" even on a leash.

If the dog can come away from another dog and come to you, it's very easy to make it stand by you. Come! Come! Heel! Just now you've seen three call ups and training the command "Heel!" Let's recap some conditions of teaching the grown up dog the command "Heel!" They are: the physical load, playing with the owner and treating in the street, the contact with other dogs, obedience while static commands, the call up on the leash. Professional dog training school. Walkservice. (499) 343-83-86.

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