Saturday, July 10, 2021

Stop Leash Pulling!

 Hey guys, So this is day one with Miss Mickey here and ... she's not paying much attention. She struggled a lot on the walk, a lot of pulling a lot of lunging, especially toward other dogs, other persons. They couldn't walk the dog anywhere without getting a shoulder. Workout going Yesterday, the owners told us how they went through other trainers to try and fix the walking. Have you tried any other trainers? Yeah she went to another trainer, We had an in house trainer who came in for four sessions With them. 

Stop Leash Pulling!

How do I stop my leash pulling in 5 minutes?

We followed the program most of it just didn't seem to take with her. What was the name of the program? The woman ..., the .. Victoria Stillwell yeah ... Yeah, we went through one of her trainers. He spend most of his time talking at us, not really ... Yeah not really dealing with her, hardly at all When he finally did pay attention to her. 

He was kinda shocked at her behavior And he saw it and he made some recommendations for it, Which I tried faithfully for several months, and all I noticed is that it just made her more aggressive. He suggested trying to get.. Well, for starters, trying to get her to sit and if that wasn't working, then pull her immediately away and try to get her far away from the thing and get her to sit Yeah and then try and get in front of her and block her. 

Seeing the other dog or whatever But ..., none of it really worked. We want to be able to take her out where she at least pays attention to us and is more settled and .. Enjoy having a dog Yeah enjoy having ... I'D love to take her for my morning walks and not have her all over the place and Hey: Oh hi, Hi, everybody Hi other dog, Squirrels birds. 

I just want to be able to walk with her and have her kinda consistant with being keep on that exercise. Routine Understand that everybody doesn't want to play A lot of the problems that dogs have when leash pulling It's, not because they wan na go into some other things or they wan na get the dog or the cat. It'S because they don't understand what we mean when we pull the leash. They think it's something else and we think it's something else. So we need to find a way to get them to understand what we mean That way. 

They can better do what we're asking them to do When we first start teaching a dog leash manners, We always start indoors. This gives them the opportunity to learn with the least amount of distractions and we use a leash and a training collar. We always check the collar and the leash to make sure they're properly fitted so they're, safe during training. 

Now that we've checked and ready to go, we start the lesson and not to long into the lesson. Miss MIckey has picked up amazingly well, As you can tell there's no more leash, pulling no more reactivity She's following my lead fairly well She's, even coming to me, when called Now that we have the basic of the leash pressure, she understands what we want her to Do without much corrections even without forcing her to So now I can start adding distractions. The first challenge I'm going to use is simply the door. 

I will give MIss MIckey an option Run to the backyard or come to me. I present her with the dilemma. I call her to me and .. She comes, This was something that she struggled with before every time they opened the door she bolted for the sky, But because we taught her what leash pressure meant and what we wanted her to do with it now she's able to follow our lead, which is what She wanted to do all along, So I worked with her for just about an hour or so, and we spent a lot of time with Miss Mickey showing her. 

What a little bit of the leash pressure is. So what I have now to kinda test out how well she's doing is one of my dogs. I have Lucia in the background She's an awesome. Little girl, Miss Mickey, has never seen Lucia before This is actually the first time they've met. 

I'M gon na walk around Lucia in a little circle and I'm gon na walk back and forth, and I'm gon na see if there's any leash, pulling or leash reactivity, Because we practiced indoors with the leash reactivity you'll, see Miss Mickey's outdoor leash manners are much much Nicer now She's able to turn when we turn Very loose leash, walking, Really easy to please, even with other dogs around. So now we're gon na step up the challenge, I'm going to walk next to Lucia and I'm going to start doing a circle and the circle. 

What is the best leash to stop pulling

What is the best leash to stop pulling?

Basically is a way to test the turning and, at the same time, the reactivity, Because every time I do a circle I get closer to the other dog. So, as you can see, no leash reactivity no pulling. She stops when I stop and even comes on command when called Come Good job, Lucia, sit and she's. 

Looking to me for guidance, which is a great thing to start with, The dog understands what I want them to do So, they're a lot more calm. It doesn't take much training to get your dog to stop pulling on the leash. They just have to understand what you want them to do when you do pull on the leash.

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