Hey guys, This is Jillian herewith Ryka, the Belgian Malinoisand today we're going to talk about leash, walking. Ryka was really stubborn on leash walks and veryanxious. In the beginning. There are so many newsmells and she wanted to explore, but we wantedto teach her how to walk alongside us calmly.
How do I get my Belgian Malinois to stop pulling?
If the dog is very confident and always pullingyou with an overactive mind or a puppy that'slearning, I always want to make sure that my stepis always in front of your dog This allows thedog to always understand that I'm the leader.I'm the pack member here, If i'm like thisor like this, I'm telling my dog go ahead.
How do you leash train a puppy that pulls?
You'Re leading my way. There is no point forme to move forward if the dog is not relaxed. I'Mgonna ask the dog to move forward. Walk No Sit. We focused on very short walks Short qualitywalks over really long walks where she would geta lot of corrections.
How do I stop my dog from pulling on the leash when walking?
Ryka and I would do the sameloop over and over again That way she got moreconfident and knew what to expect. When we had theregular collar on or even the martingale collar, we found that she would choke herself out Forsafety reasons we wanted to use the prong asidefrom teaching her correct, leash, walking Theprong collar was really helpful for her torealize that what she was doing, the pulling wasincorrect.
What do you do when your dog pulls on a leash?
The prong isn't hurting Ryka, It's justapplied pressure.It needs to be fit correctly.Other tools to stop leash, pulling include usingthis wand, We're going to tap it here. No touch.Let's say she's walking ahead, hey no, no! No come To stop leash biting takethe treat in front of your dogand start moving the leash around Repeat: Reward Repeat..
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